To Run the Anime Pin-Up Beauties, just double click on the Innocent Fall or Growing Pretty Icons.
Screen Saver Installation instructions
Just copy either the Innocent Fall or Growing Pretty Screen Saver into your control panels folder and restart your system. Once installed, you will be able to setup the mouse startup position for the screen saver.
(Depending on your computer, if you have a powermac or G3, use the versions with the PM.
If you have a non-powermac, use the versions with the 68k at the end.)
Technical problems or comments call:
(212) 245-9559 or E-mail
Be sure to check out the Anime Pin-Up Beauties at and vote for your favorite beauty!
To cover Shipping and Handling costs, please enclose a check or money order made payable to Software Sculptors for $4.95. Send to:
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Poster Offer
250 W 57th Street
Suite 326
New York, NY 10107
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